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Tips on Dealing with Mental Health

Approximately 1 in 4 people in the UK will experience a mental health problem each year, I believe it is becoming ever more important that we continue to highlight this issue and not shy away from it. Talking about this, whether you suffer from it or not, can only help raise awareness!

I have come up with 5 tips on how to look after your mental health. Now I know these are not going to be 'magic pills' that cure you instantly, however, they are a step in the right direction and if followed, have the ability to really help.

1. Connect with others:

Connecting and staying in touch with people makes us feel happier and for certain more secure. If you don't have the opportunity to reach out to family or friends, try joining a local community or club. You will realise that there will be people in similar situations, and sometimes a 5-minute chat can help your mental state remain positive.

2. Be active:

Being active not only benefits us physically, but it does wonders for our mental health. This doesn't have to be highly strenuous, it could just be a walk at lunchtime, a Yoga session, or if you are up for it, working out at the gym. Exercise is known to give you an enormous sense of well-being. No matter what age or fitness level, you have the ability to use exercise as a powerful tool to feel better.

3. Eat & drink healthily:

Now with this, I don't mean go home straight away and empty your cupboards of anything that has a high sugar content, after all, its all about moderation. However, slight adjustments can have a great impact on your well-being. Can you start including vegetables with your meals? Instead of snacking on chocolate throughout the day, could you replace it for fruit? Could you drink water instead of those fizzy drinks? Still, enjoy yourself and have a treat, but ensure it is just a treat and not a habit.

4. Sleep well:

Sleep is vital to maintaining good mental and physical health. We spend, on average, approximately a third of our life asleep. Without a good night's sleep, you may struggle to take control of the other tips. If you struggle to get to sleep, try removing your nightly scroll on social media and start listening to some chilled music or read a book.

5. Ask for help:

Now listen, none of us are superhuman and sometimes it just all gets a little bit too much. Believe me, you are definitely not alone in this situation. Maybe you can talk to someone you trust or if that isn't the route you want to take, you may be able to find a counsellor you gel with. As a counsellor, I am fully aware of the battles individuals face daily. Being able to help my clients and to watch them grow and improve is extremely touching. If you struggle to find a counsellor in your area, visit your local GP and they may be able to refer you.

This blog has been created to spread awareness of a serious matter. The more of us that start highlighting mental health issues, the better. Spreading awareness has the ability for those in need to see that they are not alone and realise that together, we become stronger.

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